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Бизнес-школа «Эксперт» — семинары и тренинги в Москве
Др. Сохейла Р. Лунней, Президент Lunney Advisory Group имеет более 20 лет опыта работы в закупках и в ведении бизнеса (как внутри страны, так и с внешними партнерами). Имеет всесторонний опыт в консультировании, проведении семинаров и тренингов по закупкам, снабжению,  построению и реорганизации процессов снабжения, проведению  конкурсных закупок, поиску поставщиков товаров и услуг, уменьшению полной стоимости владения, переговорам и заключению договоров.
До создания Lunney Advisory Group в 2007году, с января 2004 года Др. Лунней работала в Education Management Corporation (EDMC) в должности Вице-президента по конкурсным закупкам. До этого Сохейла была директором/Deputy to Chief Procurement Officer в Bayer Corporation. За 17 лет работы в Bayer Corporation, занимала несколько должностей с повышающейся степенью ответственности в областях исследования и развития, логистики, клиентского обслуживания, управления запасами и конкурсных закупок.  
Сохейла является членом Совета Директоров Pittsburgh Institute for Supply Chain Management (ISM) и членом Совета Директоров EDMC Foundation. В течении последних пяти лет она является членом Advisory Board of Supply Chain Management at Duquesne University в Питсбурге, где ведет вечерний курс «Закупки и Управление Цепью Поставок». Также являлась разработчиком и преподавателем курса MBA «Управление Цепью Поставок» в Argosy University в сентябре 2005.
Сохейла является автором нескольких публикаций и имеет патент в области полиуретановых технологий.
·        Post Doctoral Research, Heterocyclic Chemistry,
Dept. of Chemistry, 1979
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
·        Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science, Physical Organic Chemistry
School of Chemical Sciences, 1974 - 1978
University of East Anglia, Norwich, England
·        Bachelor of Science with honors, Chemistry
National University of Iran, 1973
·        Executive MBA, Notre Dame University, May 1995
Награды и поощрения:
·        Номинирована на 2002 Bayer Presidential Achievement Award (PAA).
·        Номинирована на 1998 ATHENA Award, Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce.
·        Доклад был признан лучшим на Non-traditional Purchasing Conference, 1996.
·        Bayer’s Quality Excellence Award: 8 премий (1994 – 2002).
·        Доклад был признан лучшим на Сессии, SPI Conference, San Francisco, CA, 1989.
·        Выбран Outstanding Professor of Chemistry, University of Arkansas, 1981.
·        Университетская премия за лучшие тезисы, University of East Anglia, 1976.

Dr. Soheila R. Lunney

Dr. Soheila R. Lunney, President of Lunney Advisory Group has over 20 years of supply management, procurement, and business experience, involving both domestic and international activities. She has extensive experience in consulting, coaching & training in supply management , procurement, reengineering the supply management process, the management of procurement function, sourcing of materials and services, reducing total cost of ownership, and negotiation of complex contracts.
Prior to founding Lunney Advisory Group in 2007, Dr. Lunney joined Education Management Corporation (EDMC) as the Vice President of Procurement in January of 2004. Prior to joining EDMC, Soheila was Director/Deputy to Chief Procurement Officer at Bayer Corporation. During her 17 years of service at Bayer, she held several positions with increasing responsibilities in Research and Development, Logistics, Customer Services, Materials Management, and Procurement.  
Soheila is a member of Board of Directors of Pittsburgh Institute for Supply Chain Management (ISM) and also a member of the Board of Directors of EDMC Foundation. Additionally, for the past 5 years, she has been a member of Advisory Board of Supply Chain Management at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh where she taught a course in Procurement/Supply Chain Management in the evenings.  She was also instrumental in developing and presenting an MBA Supply Chain Management course for Argosy University in Eagan, NM, in Spring of 2005.  Soheila is a holder of several publications and a patent relevant to Polyurethane Technology. 
  • Nominated for 2002 Bayer Presidential Achievement Award (PAA).
  • Nominated for 1998 ATHENA Award, Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce.
  • Received Best Presenter rating, Non-traditional Purchasing Conference, 1996.
  • Bayer’s Quality Excellence Award: Eight awards (1994 – 2002).
  • Received Best Session Presentation Award, SPI Conference, San Francisco, CA, 1989.
  • Elected Outstanding Professor of Chemistry, University of Arkansas, 1981.
  • Received University Prize for Best Thesis, University of East Anglia, 1976.
  • Graduated Class 1973 Valedictorian & received Iranian Ministry of Science scholarship.
  • Post Doctoral Research, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, 1979 Clemson University, Clemson, SC 
  • Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science, Physical Organic Chemistry School of Chemical Sciences, 1974 - 1978 University of East Anglia, Norwich, England 
  • Bachelor of Science with honors, Chemistry National University of Iran, 1973 
  • Executive MBA, Notre Dame University, May 1995
  • Secured $14.2MM annual actual cost savings for EDMC.  Additionally, generated $1.65MM revenue through commissions, rebates, sponsorships, and scholarships in FY07.
  • Developed a business case, secured funding, and led the development and the implementation of Automated Requisition System (RSS) at EDMC ahead of schedule and under budget (July 2006).
  • Secured the first external customer for the newly formed Procurement BCBS organization of Bayer (April 2003).  
  • Led the development of four products for Bayer’s external customers (2002 – 2003).
  • Led an international team to develop a Global Strategic Sourcing Process and training manual (2002).
  • Led a team in developing an International Procurement Contracting Guide (2001).
  • Led a team to secure a new business ($6MM) for Plastics Div. by introducing a Minority Supplier (2nd Tier) to a major automotive customer (2001).
  • Led the US Procurement Study team in Procurement Process Redesign efforts (2000).
  • Led a team in developing Sourcing Strategies for non-procurement professionals - Marketing/Sales (2000).
  • Sponsor of two Strategic Sourcing Teams (SST) and team leader for several SSTs with Procurement volume of $320MM and annual savings of $48.6MM (15%).  
  • Team leader for developing a curriculum related to Strategic Sourcing Process (1996). Led the training team in providing training, coaching, and consulting services to 55 Strategic Sourcing Teams (SSTs) who secured contracts with the savings of       >$450MM (1997 – 2003).
  • Inventory reduction for a major chemical raw material through supplier quality initiatives (1997).
  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive/fully automated method for monitoring and improving the performance of Bayer’s suppliers, which was selected as “Best in Class” by the Purchasing Magazine and Michigan State University’s benchmarking studies (1996).
  • Consolidated Bayer’s Sales Offices in the US (17 to 4).  Conducted Commercial Real Estate and Market research/analysis for identifying best locations as well as best price for consolidating Sales Offices.  Monitored and managed contracts and audited invoices to discover double charges by landlords (overall savings of <$13MM; 1990 – 1993). Unified “Chemical” as well as “Life Sciences” sales force by locating them in shared Sales Offices throughout the US, reducing headcount and improving operating costs (savings of > $500K/yr).
  • Developed reduced fluorocarbon polyurethane systems to meet federal regulatory demands for reduced Freon systems (1989).
  • Developed unique polyurethane formulation from hazardous waste material, resulting in simultaneous reduction of hazardous waste production and preservation of market share with an important customer (1988).
  • Obtained patent protection for the above product (1990).

Все программы семинаров (тренингов) бизнес-тренера

Трехдневный курс для закупщиков. Организация прямых и конкурсных закупок, управление цепью поставок, технологии закупок 3 дня.

Тематики семинаровТЕМАТИКИ СЕМИНАРОВ

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